Morning scene of Sorvagsvatn lake, Vagar, Faroe Islands, DenmarkMorning scene of Sorvagsvatn lake, Vagar, Faroe Islands, Denmark Morning scene of Sorvagsvatn lake, Vagar, Faroe Islands, Denmarksize: 592766 sha1: bfbe8a44e40625ba9132c24f81b9106f8660c4d5 sha256: 050d59e422a8ff25d3d75f1538ba1115ea3a7e04db2c15329946c8a14a787526 sha256 base64: BQ1Z5CKo/yXT118VOLoRFeo6fgTbLBUymUbIoUp4dSY=
The more correct name for the location in this image is:
Trælanípa cliff viewpoint,
Sørvágsvatn Lake,
Vagar Island,
Faroe Islands archipelago,