size: 546514 sha1: b693cbed82d54f6a150bc3634fd92ebf08fc7e31 sha256: 6f0dfd3b280285b5759e317768676e1c409c7c7e5864897d4229470b414b4361 sha256 base64: bw39OygChbV1njF3aGduHECcfH5YZIl9QilHC0FLQ2E=
size: 514078 sha1: 42bb3eacb6750ab80e25216722a14035831c77d5 sha256: 8201f40f5a90c0edbbc033ff433d6fca78a30ae4ea44bdb779f145d5b46d7e11 sha256 base64: ggH0D1qQwO27wDP/Qz1vynijCuTqRL23efFF1bRtfhE=
This beach in the above photo is named: “Cachadaço beach”.
The photographer did not name his entry well, yet he did insert the name of the beach, “Praia do Cachadaco” (Cachadaco Beach).
Notice the land shape in the background, you can see the same land shape and this beach in Google.
The location correctly named is:
Cachadaco Beach,
Trindade, Rio de Janeiro (town),
Paraty municipality,
Rio de Janeiro state,