size: 911463 sha1: a27245b04aa662530fd5c9da4430c9223aaf7665 sha256: 1d4c243c247610386fc659fbb01a61fe4af471b76e9d696a0f2f28082c610613 sha256 base64: HUwkPCR2EDhvxln7sBph/kr0cbdunWlqDy8oCCxhBhM=
size: 755769 sha1: 7ee60167be74acdc2310e46d047e9420273c3016 sha256: 7819537cc8886745b23b35172251d0a938b6478ba1d83592ff5b236e7e44ecbc sha256 base64: eBlTfMiIZ0WyOzUXIlHQqTi2R4uh2DWS/1sjbn5E7Lw=
The location of the rolling red shale hills, in the above photos, are not in the City of Toronto. The location is Caledon, Ontario, which is 59.7 km outside of Toronto in the Peel Regional municipality area.