size: 720075 sha1: 1d0684f035d0a0f7e34a4456d04f97d7010ca401 sha256: cd1e7dd047cf735be6ecfc5ed4b0404d21b235b6d53876004724b9e264a77a35 sha256 base64: zR590EfPc1vm7Pxe1LBATSGyNbbVOHYARyS54mSnejU=
size: 713180 sha1: 7ed9a6857d892fd8842fb805b44520813e9101ea sha256: 7472fb71ba38362d72c70723046f414e72585139eaebb1355627d7c86b359f45 sha256 base64: dHL7cbo4Ni1yxwcjBG9BTnJYUTnq67E1VifXyGs1n0U=
The name or image title is too confusing or complicated to tell us where the image represents.
Here is the correct name:
Silvretta Alps,
Ramosch Village,
Tschanüff Castle,
Val Sinestra Valley,
Graubünden canton,
“Canton” means administrative division. Much the same as a province or county.