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the middle of the canoe is mainly for the catch 😉
on a more serious note, the loss of the trees from the lake shore (mainly for firewood) is a real problem for the fishermen (it’s almost all men) as they can’t afford to buy canoes/kayaks. this means more netting from the shore where the catch is immature fish before they have had a chance to breed. it’s a big problem for the lakeshore communities.
Great pic. Where can I find information about the canoe? It does not look like a human could fit inside. Is it used as a barge? I don’t see any attachment points for rope. Any assistance is appreciated.
I have the same question!
Hi Barry, just seen your comment… I took the picture a few years back on Lake Malawi. You’re quite right about people not fitting in the canoe. They’ll just fit their feet inside it (or over the edges) but will then sit on top of it. All seems highly unstable but that’s what they do! Best, Ian