size: 592393 sha1: debcd8f5109b66db4e92e6618fba8816726980e1 sha256: 7f4643ccf7e18879b87b9cd0dc70ed4a08a7eee36920238d0474cf5f9924d424
size: 672114 sha1: 8a31aa5307df8ede1f0ef684d4c542adc05bb5af sha256: ba71c8fcf6b59e6462130cb42eaeff3d0932131c3f10c507502c69c873abee86
I wonder whether it’s only me but this photo looks composite to me. There seem to be differences of light and contrast between various parts of the photograph: the birds and flowers in the foreground, the pine in the middle-ground ….