size: 508282 sha1: 4003ed02b3053cb7f488e20a8868e613ddd9c338 sha256: 04d36ad78bee58e669ac16cc1e6a343d568628c609e0542ff85739afd27ece45 sha256 base64: BNNq14vuWOZprBbMHmo0PVaGKMYJ4FQv+Fc5r9J+zkU=

size: 578392 sha1: 570c40e266879c8f927be3d7bfd8e73a45fd5fa1 sha256: 95af610d1b151c51dcf5ff0dee5fded1ad66252af69cfc5722021665425bccb2 sha256 base64: la9hDRsVHFHc9f8N7l/e0a1mJSr2nPxXIgIWZUJbzLI=
The location above for the images (rock formations and dunes) is mis-typed.
The mountain range is named “Hoggar” or “Ahaggar”. These names are apparently interchangeable referring to the same mountain range.
Therefore the location is:
Rock formations and dunes,
Tin Akachaker Desert (Citadel),
Ahaggar Mountains,
Ahaggar National Park,