size: 578013 sha1: cbbf4ebf84475b8d4c3f79c93798102a8553af05 sha256: be980faa6fc63dd3ff3b72ac19b4bc49690c6d46d01aa6667d56e039fc13662c sha256 base64: vpgPqm/GPdP/O3KsGbS8SWkMbUbQGqZmfVbgOfwTZiw=
size: 818043 sha1: 060508ea0de6de8e50e3b85ba0b84977484ba068 sha256: 12569f866a87be6a9bca56621c227a7c476ea5891043131695910ee68cbea944 sha256 base64: ElafhmqHvmqbylZiHCJ6fEdupYkQQxMWlZEO5oy+qUQ=
Doing some research, it appears the name “Paradise beach” is not the official name of the beach in the above photos. It seems to be a nickname, or a name people have attached to that beach. The official name of the beach is: “Anse Source d’Argent”.
The title for the photos above can be “Anse Source d’Argent (Paradise Beach), La Digue Island, Seychelles.”