Pedestrian zone with Sorge House, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany

Pedestrian zone with Sorge House, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany
Pedestrian zone with Sorge House, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany

size: 783502
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Comments 3

  • I used to work at Microsoft. EVERY product is reviewed for content that may be political, religious, contain offensive language, or contain offensive symbols or imagery. The reason the images were removed from this building was most likely that they are considered religious, and Microsoft images must be NEUTRAL worldwide. Paramount Pictures removed the image of the Taiwan flag from Maverick’s jacket in Top Gun, or the movie would not have been distributed in China, for example.

  • This could have been a beautiful camera shot of the Bavarian Ski town, except whoever posted that image for Windows to use, messed it up by removing the paintings above the door of the Sorge House Shop. The Shop is the focal point in the narrow image version.

    Take a close look at the image, someone edited the image by painting over the religious paintings on the front of the building. I took a close look at the image and confirm that someone painted over the photo with a tan color.

    That is pretty sad and comes off as someone who dislikes religion, because this photo is easily taken for free in public, so privacy etc, release of rights, was not an issue.

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